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Welcome to Elementary (3rd Grades)
Dear Parents,
As your child prepares for a different and exciting new year in school, we are giving you a list of suggested school supplies and uniforms for the 2020-2021 school year. Please label your child’s personal items.
Provided in your packet but can also be found in the website below
Face shield is mandatory for ages 3 and up. It can be found at Amazon.
- 1 Bible (NKJV)
- 1 Dictionary
- 1 Back pack (without wheels)
- 1 11”x17” zipper pencil bag (pouch)
- 5 Marble composition notebook
- 5 two-pocket folders
- 1 pack white lined paper
- 1 24 pack no.2 yellow pencils
- 1 Box of dry erase markers (expo)
- 2-4 pack Glue (liquid) bottle
- 1 pack expo markers
- 1 Scissors
- 1 pack index cards
- 1 pack pens
- 1 Protractor
- 2 Box of 24 crayons
- 1 Box of colored pencils
- 1 box washable markers
- (Crayola preferred)
- 2 big “pink pearl” eraser
- 1 set of watercolors
- 2 box of tissues
- 1 (big bottle) hand sanitizer
- 2 bottles of anti-bacterial Liquid soaps
- 1 letter size clip board
- 1 container of Clorox wipes (no Lysol brand due to allergies)
- Expect to have and replenish throughout the school year as needed.
- Personal Items MUST be labeled.
Mandatory requirements from the Department of Education for promotion to 4th grade:
- Students must score above a Level 2 on the FCAT Reading Sunshine State Standards test.
The student:
- predicts using prior knowledge, captions, and headings
- uses strategies to determine meaning and increase vocabulary
- develops vocabulary, monitors reading on or above grade level by rereading, self-correcting, summarizing, and questioning
- identifies main idea, details, makes inferences and identifies the sequence of events, author’s purpose, examples of fact, fiction or opinion, and recognizes and understands comparison and contrast, cause/effect and sequence of events
The student:
- writes using the writing process and the six writing traits of ideas, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, voice, and conventions
The student:
- investigates several science units using scientific observations and skills
- explores different science topics including life science, earth science, physical science, and space and technology
The student:
- uses number sense to master all basic facts, read, write, compare numbers
- knows the value of a given digit to hundred thousand
- explains and demonstrates the meaning of multiplication and division with remainders
- uses measurement to measure length, weight, capacity, area, perimeter, volume, time and temperature
- calculates and compares types of measurement
- estimates area, perimeter, and volume of a rectangular shape
- selects the appropriate unit and tool of measurement for a solution
- uses geometry and spatial sense to understand symmetry, congruency, and reflections in geometric shapes
- explores flip, slides, tessellations and 180-degree turns
- compares area and perimeter using concrete and graphic materials
- knows how to identify, locate and plot ordered pairs of whole numbers
- uses algebraic thinking to describe, extend and create visual geometric patterns
- analyzes, explains and states the rule for number patterns
- uses models and graphs to solve equations and inequalities
- know that an equation is a number sentence stating that two quantities are equal
- uses data analysis and probability to identify parts of a graph and interprets displays of data
- interprets and compares information from pictographs and bar graphs
- identifies the mean, median, mode and range in a set
- uses technology to compare data and to construct and discuss patterns
- determines the number of possible combinations of items
- calculates the probability of an event and represents all possible outcomes
- designs questions for a survey, depicts the data in a graph and explains the results
- uses statistical data to recognize trends
Dalton Learning Center/Academy
2601 SW Port St. Lucie Blvd Port St. Lucie, FL 34953,
( 772) 337-8160
Copyrights @2016 - Dalton Learning Center